

Friday, March 10, 2023

It's A Small World (SOLSC 10/31)

I was reminded today that not every person is a Disney fan.

Sometimes at our gym we do a partner workout.  This is where instead of going at the workout by ourselves, we split the work with a partner.  This also means that when we have our times or number of reps on the board we are also usually given a team name.

Today, our coach suggested Disney as a theme for team names.  I added that we should specifically do Disney songs.  She agreed, but then I was shocked to hear many of my fellow CrossFit friends not able to come up with a name.  

"I can't think of any Disney songs!"

What do you mean you can't think of any?  I thought before proceeding to name at least two other teams with songs like "Beauty and the Beast" (the partners were a guy and a girl) and "Be A Man" (a team consisting of two guys and a girl).

What was my team's name?  "Poor Unfortunate Souls."


  1. LOL! I can see how that name might be appropriate when working out! Maybe your fellow exercisers don't have children? My two are adults now but I still remember the songs from those Disney movies -- I watched or at least heard them all dozens of times!

  2. Sounds like you need to introduce them to ....a whole new world.

  3. I enjoyed this piece- you introduced me to a whole new world! And I love how you stepped in with the perfect name for each grouping. You are fluent in Disney!
