Friday, March 19, 2021

#SOL21 | 19 | What's More Spring than New Things?

Weekend Coffee Share is a new link-up I am joining starting today and, much like the IMWAYR link up, I have no idea if there is a right or wrong way to do this.  I am going to assume there is no wrong way -- which is reassuring and actually something I stressed to my students' today when we were doing a practice with sentence structure.  The point is to experiment, stretch, and try something new right?

I am hoping that this break will give me a lot of opportunities to stretch myself in writing.  My SOL post streak is still 19 days strong, but I also have a novel I am continuing to revise and I am hoping I can carve out a lot of quality time next week to focus on it instead of the burdens of reading student essays.  

I actually started a new notebook today and one of the first things I wrote in it (aside from a note to the notebook itself) was a brainstorm for a new novel idea.  That brings my novel idea count up to 3 and finished revised drafts at 0.  It's getting really hard to stay focused on the revision, but I am determined to see it through.  Also, I think idea is being generous -- I have a premise or concept at best.  But we all have to start somewhere and at least now I have a means of writing it down and coming back to it for later.

That's not what I want to blog about though.  It's been awhile, but I finally got back into the habit of using my notebook to do a 5-4-3-2-1 Recap of my week.  My new notebook is completely without lines and that's a first to me, but I've already noticed that it makes me want to play more with layout and drawing on the page.  That's what I caught myself doing between the novel idea notes and the recap.  I'm looking forward to seeing what I produce on the page now that I have no restraints with lines or dots or anything.

As for the recap.  Here are Five Things That Made Me Smile this Week (in no particular order):

5. The picture from my sister of my niece wearing a Captain America mask.

4. S's notebook share about music that included a subtle nod to the music we listen to in 3rd block.

3. My new story idea.

2. Attending wake up and write every morning this week.

1. Finishing one notebook and starting a new notebook.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to leave some comments and then make time to watch the latest MCU show: Falcon and Winter Soldier -- something I have been excited for since it was announced YEARS ago.

This post is part of the 14th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge.  

#SOL21 and information around Slicing can be found on Two Writing Teachers. 


  1. It’s a special day when one gets to start a new notebook. I’m pages away from doing so myself and it always feels like an accomplishment. Thank you for this post. I am taking away 5 things that made me smile.
    5. I found a new blogger I’d like to follow and read more of her work.
    4. I discovered a new link to check out with my coffee this weekend.
    3. I’m in awe of any teacher who can find time to write in addition to all the teacher workload they carry home. A novel! That’s awesome!
    2. You were my first comment on my post today. Thank you for that.
    1. I tried a new slice of 5-4-3-3-2-1.

    1. I've wanted to be a novelist for so long and for awhile I didn't think it was possible. I'm slowly shedding that mindset and working towards this goal. Thanks for stopping by and writing this 5-4-3-2-1 in my blog :)

  2. Erica, That's exciting to have a new story idea and a new notebook to jot down your thoughts. There are a number of published authors and aspiring writers in the Weekend Coffee Share link-up. Take your time to visit their blogs and most if not all reciprocate blog visits. Hope to see you again at my next #Weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. That's three whole days of coffee sipping! Sounds delightful to me. I'll be trying to keep it up since I would like to explore blogging beyond just the annual SOL. I think I fell off because I didn't have a community to engage with and I am hoping having dedicated days to blog will help.

  3. Erica! You inspire. Happy new notebook day.

  4. Love the notebook routine! I like to wake up and write in the morning, before the day starts. And take the dogs and my camera out in the back yard for a while before they have breakfast and I look through pictures and write another poem or so as I enjoy my Toddy coffee. My coffee share is on WordPress at "straycoffee".

    1. The wake up and write is a new routine to me. I am not typically a morning person and was hesitant to sacrifice a little extra sleep for morning writing. However, I knew I needed to MAKE time for writing where I wasn't exhausted after work -- so I knew I had to and I haven't regretted it at all. I'll be sure to pop over for coffee later :)

  5. What better combo is there? I mean really.

  6. I'm always amazed at people who have ideas for novels floating around in their heads. I've been blogging for six years and don't have one single thought that would translate into a novel (despite being an avid consumer of books!) Nice to meet you at the coffee share x

    1. I find ideas to be the easy part -- it's shaping and crafting the ideas into something that is ACTUALLY a novel to be really challenging. But, I suppose that part can't start until you actually have an there's that.

  7. Welcome. I joined in too recently and have really enjoyed finding new blogs. I like the 5-4-3-2-1 idea. How fun to write a novel.
